Title: A physiological immune perspective of the mind-body question With Asya Rolls (Rappaport Institute for Medical Research, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Israel) & Tamar Koren (Rolls's Lab) Moderators V. Wee Yong (University of […]
Title: Longitudinal analysis reveals high prevalence of Epstein-Barr virus associated with multiple sclerosis With Alberto Ascherio & Kjetil Bjornevik (Harvard Medical School, USA) Presenting Karl Carlström (Karolinska Institutet, Sweden) Moderator Maja Jagodic (Karolinska […]
Title: The neurovascular unit in health and disease With Richard Daneman (University of California, San Diego, USA) & Cayce Dorrier (NIH, USA) Moderators Tajie Harris (University of Virginia, USA) & Ashley Mosen (Duke University, USA)
Title: Epigenomic priming of immune genes implicates oligodendroglia in multiple sclerosis susceptibility With Goncalo Castelo-Branco, Mandy Meijer and Eneritz Agirre (Karolinska Institutet – Stockholm, Sweden) Presenting Marcel Woo (University Medical Center […]
Prof. Neil Harrison (Immunopsychiatry Group, CUBRIC, Cardiff Unviversity | UK)
Title: The lung microbiome regulates brain autoimmunity With Francesca Odoardi & Leon Hosang (University Medical Center Göttingen, Germany) Presenting Juan Manuel Villar Vesga (University of Zürich, Switzerland) Moderator Maja Jagodic (Karolinska […]
"Modulating the Immune Response in Neurodegeneration" Prof. Ulrich Eisel (GELIFES, Molecular Neurobiology, University of Groningen | Netherlands)
Title: Twin study reveals non-heritable immune perturbations in multiple sclerosis With Burkhard Becher & Florian Ingelfinger (University of Zurich – Zurich, Switzerland) Presenting Vasilisis Gouzouasis (Hellenic Pasteur Institute – Athens, Greece) […]
Title: Remembering immunity: neuronal representations of immune activity With Asya Rolls (Rappaport Institute for Medical Research, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Israel) & Tamar Koren (Rolls's Lab) Moderators V. Wee Yong (University of Calgary, […]
Prof. Carmine Pariante (Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King's College London | UK)